Wednesday, January 14, 2009

I need convincing...

...for why on earth should I continue this blog. 
It appears most everything I like has failed in the eyes of my cousins, and they are really my only traffic. I thought you all enjoyed this... so if you do please try to convince me to continue. I really want to. But if I get nothing but hate posts from you guys (I'm looking at Nina and Molly here) I don't see why I should put myself through this. 


dorothy said...

Maggie, don't stop doing what you love just because your cousins do not understand it. I have enjoyed your blog even though I do not comment often. Their young minds have not been exposed to many ideas that are different. Love, Grandma

Maggie said...

Thanks Grandma. *hugs* I will continue the blog. They need to know, though, that just because you don't understand doesn't mean you can bash (insult) it.

Crazy mom said...

I'm sorry if you took what we were saying the wrong way. Just because we don't like that stuff doesn't mean that I should take out my beliefs on you. Sorry again.

Maggie said...

It's alright Molls. I'll continue the blog. Tell Nina something for me. "Everything I post on my blog is going to be PG. If it isn't I'll tell you. So please don't ask that in the comments."

Crazy mom said...

Very sorry maggie!!!!!!!
i was kidding with you!
love nina
P.S. keep on blogging!!!!!!!!!!

Maggie said...

I totally forgive you. But here's an Idea. use this; J/K. It stands for Just Kidding. Just put it after a joke and i'll know you're kidding.