Monday, February 16, 2009

Novel - The Lioness and her Knight

Now when one knows they will be in a car for over 12 hours one needs to pick out their entertainment well. As in books you haven't already read to death. So, that in mind, while I packed my bad of art supplies and music I spied the perfect written companion for the trip.
The Lioness and her Knight. 
I got said novel as a late birthday present from my mom over a year ago. I had never once heard of the book before, she just figured "it's a fantasy, Maggie will like it." and so that was that. 
Still, despite knowing nothing of it, I have found it to be almost at the top of my favorite books. the very top at that. I reread it at least 3 times during the trip. It's just beyond good. 

The story is based off of a romantic story-poem during Medieval times. So that, of course, is the setting for the book. Kinda mushy I'm sure. But that is why the Novel twists it a bit. 

Luneta is tired of living in dull Orkney with her mother and father (who happens to be the most boring knight of King Arthur’s Round Table). She prides herself on always getting what she wants, so when the opportunity presents itself, she jumps at the chance to stay at, a family friend, Lady Laudine's castle near Camelot. Her handsome cousin, Sir Ywain —a young knight seeking adventure—arrives just in time to escort her to King Arthur’s court. Along the way they pick up a knight-turned-fool named Rhience, whose wit and audacity make the book most enjoyable. Before arriving at Lady Laudine’s castle, the trio stops at Camelot, where they hear the story of the Storm Stone, a magical object deep in the forest that soon sweeps everyone into a web of love, betrayal, and more than a bit of magic.
Filled with broken promises, powerful enchantresses, unconventional sword fights, fierce and friendly lionesses, mysterious knights, and damsels in and out of distress.

Consider checking it out, it is defiantly one of the best books I've ever read. (and yes, my dear cousins, it tops Twilight. Big time) 

1 comment:

Crazy mom said...

do you think i can read it?
