Thursday, February 18, 2010

It's Entertainment... and other things

It's Entertainment IS entertainment. I do not believe I need to say more. It gave me SO many Toronto flash-backs! LOVE.

soo... yes, IE made this month, but you knew that without my saying.

Other things enjoyed this month;
- A fair few snow days. With little Snow. YAY for wimpy schools!!
- A research paper about The Troubles in Northern Ireland. My Irish fanatic and history buff were both pleased.
- Writing more short stories. Always good stuff.
- Crazy epic 3-way skype conversations with my two pen-pals.
- My momsie's birthday!!! ^_^


Anna said...

WHOOOOOOT for short stories and Skype convo's and IE and like everything else! :D

Meaghann said...

YAY to everything else! :D