Friday, July 31, 2009


... it's scary.

Went to Six Flags with Dad and Ian today! Tons of craic as always!! But it so happens while standing in line for our 4th ride and I suddenly feel very dizzy and sick. One second I'm leaning on the line railing for support....
... Next thing I'm on the ground and Dad's asking me if I'm okay. Apparently I'd fainted. That's something that, I'm happy to say, has NEVER happened before to me. Hopefully it'll never happen again.
I've had over three things of water and much to eat since then, all while trying to convince my family that I feel a-okay now! 

1 comment:

dorothy said...

Maggie, I hope you are still okay. Fainting is never any fun. I have done it occasionally especially when I was about your age (in church). Take care, Love Grandma