Monday, November 1, 2010


What time is it?


For those who doesn't know. Nanowrimo = National Novel Writing Month.
If you've dreamt of writing a novel and just have never really gotten to typing the whole thing out yet. DO THIS. K?K.

Objective; 50,000 words. 30 Days. Don't edit. Don't revise. Just get it DOWN.

Literary suicide at it's finest. :D

This is my second year and I'm alread doing better because I has PLOT. lol Still, I pray I survive it. I really do. *she says as she stares at the page that only has 500 words typed*
I want 2,000 before bed tonight.
Am I sleeping tonight? Probably not.... XD

It's the most wonderful time of the year!

1 comment:

Erin Strickland said...

So, it's November'd the Nanowrimo(ing) go?